Training Your Dog Not To Jump On People
By Michael Albee
Training Your Dog Not To Jump
Training your dog not to jump up on you is actually working against nature. Jumping is how dogs offer a greeting. Have you ever noticed that most dogs greet each other the same way?
Dogs also jump to get attention. And they keep on jumping because it keeps working! They continue to do it even when you yell, “NO! Get Down!” because they still see your correction as a great way to get your attention.
The best way to stop unwanted behaviors is to not let it happen in the first place. To this end, simply removing the dog from the situation will stop it from happening. No, I’m not suggesting that you keep your dog from coming in contact with everyone. I am suggesting that you might want to remove the dog from close proximity to guests until it actually calms down.

Do not remove the dog from the room completely. Doing that will not teach the dog anything. He must learn to remain calm in order to be able to meet and greet humans.
To better control any behavior issue we always suggest that you use a leash. The leash affords you much more control because you have a direct connection to your dog.
There are several ways that you can try to stop your dog from jumping on people.
Some trainers tell you to simply turn your back to the dog and ignore it when it jumps. Refusing to engage or even look at your dog until he calms down will work some of the time on some dogs. The idea behind this method is that if you don’t give the dog attention it will loose interest in jumping on you. I have found this not to be true. Most dogs will simply follow you as you turn around and around in circles.
Your dog may also jump up on your guests or someone you come into contact with in public. They would look pretty funny spinning around on the sidewalk or in a parking lot somewhere. Don’t you think?
To better control the jumping, simply tell your guests to ignore the dog while you take a minute to calm the dog down.
Training your dog not to jump up on you and others is a far better way to prevent jumping. This training will require you to do the following.
Before you approach anyone or allow anyone to enter your dog’s space connect it to a standard leash. (Do not use one of those retractable things).
If your dog tends to jump on you when you enter the room, you need to catch him before he does it. As the dog approaches and gets close enough to jump up, say the words “NO -SIT” in a firm tone. Each time it tries again, repeat the words “NO-SIT” again. When the dog sits, say, “GOOD DOG” and reward with a treat or toy.
Repeat this as many times as needed until the dog stops trying to jump on you when you enter the room. Repeat this training 5-10 times daily for about a week. Most dogs actually don’t need this much time. But be patient, some do!
Persistent Jumpers
If you get a persistent jumper, use the attached leash as a correction tool. As the dog approaches, step on the end of the leash a few inches away from the dogs front paws. This will keep the dog from getting its front legs very far off of the ground. It won’t hurt the dog, but it will get the message across.
The same training can also be used when visitors arrive. Before you open the door, connect the leash and stand on it. You can also put the dog into a “Down-Stay” or “Sit-Stay” instead of standing on the leash. Then let your guest in.
Have your guest walk in quietly and ignore the dog.
After the guest is in the house without being jumped on, ask your guest to quietly reward the dog. Have them bend down and pet or give a treat. Then have them walk away calmly without talking to the dog.
When it is OK for the dog to move, give the release command. If the dog tries to jump up, make a leash correction and say “NO” and put the dog back in a sit … Repeat as necessary.
As soon as your dog has calmed down don’t make a big deal about it. This could make him or her excited again.
Your dog will need to know: NO, SIT, and STAY before you train this behavior. You will also need some extra help when you begin this training. Your helper will be the one that opens the door while you hold the leash and controlling your dog.
Keep your training sessions short. Your training sessions should be kept to 2-5 minutes in length. Finish each session with your dog correctly doing a behavior.
Always do something that your dog likes to do when the session ends. Playing with the dog’s favorite toy or going for a walk will keep your dog interested in training. Because there is a “fun time” following the training, it will make the dog more willing to train well.
There are several variations of this training that will get the same results. If you need help teaching you dog to “STAY” you can contact us and we can give personal instruction. Contact Us.